
Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Given that the list of things you do need has only two items on it, the list of things you don’t need is almost endless. You don’t need a lot of money or time or luck. You don’t need a great deal of intelligence or education . The amount of intelligence it took you to read this article so far is more than enough.

While it would be good to get help from others , you don’t need it. And while it would be good to have a plan , you don’t need that either.
There’s a reason you don’t need plans , a powerful reason , rooted in a powerful principle. The reason is, when you have a clear objective and a commitment to reaching it, you’ll naturally be drawn to doing the things which move you toward the objective.

In other words, you have a natural , automatic , built-in mechanism which tells you that you what to do in order to get what you want. The mechanism works even though you haven’t the vaguest idea how to get the objective. All you have to do is fix the objective clearly in your mind and be commitment to achieving it. The process – the “how to” will take care of itself! The process will come out of your intention to achieve the objective. You’ll know- naturally- what to do , how and when.

Look at the processes people use to get anything .No matter how cut –and-dried they seem , all processes are at least somewhat arbitrary. consider the processes of getting a bachelor’s degree .At first , it would seem that to get the degree , you must go through the processes of attending classes grades in all those classes.

Now, look at how many people have gotten bachelor’s degrees by mail-order. Look at the number who have attended classes and gotten credit , but didn’t take a test .Besides that number , how many have skipped the classes and just taken the tests? How many have gotten credits for their work or life experience , thereby skipping the class and test processes altogether?

Thus, we see that the processes is to a certain extent arbitrary. In the case of a college degree, it may be totally arbitrary. Look at any process-right now – and note how much of it is arbitrary by , how many of steps in the process were invented by some one for reason long- since obsolete or forgotten- and are thus partly or entirely optional.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

How “to be happy”

We have several goals in our life. Perhaps “to be happy” is also one of the life goals for many of us. But, unfortunately, pressure in study and work makes happiness a difficult matter for many people. There is a saying, “Happiness is determined more by our minds than by our circumstances”. So, why don’t we change our mind towards a happier life?

Below are some tips for you to cheer up your life:

1. Make happiness a priority.

If happiness is not at the top of your list then other things will take precedence. If other things take precedence, they may well interfere with your efforts to feel good.

2. Make plans to be happy and set happy goals.

Just like in any other life domain, the successful pursuit of happiness requires planning. A planning also requires effective goal setting. And don’t forget to make sure your goals are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timed).

3. Do things that make you happy.

Although this sounds obvious, many people simply forget to do things from which they gain pleasure. And do them as often as possible.

4. Set yourself tasks from which you’ll gain satisfaction.

As well as pleasure and enjoyment, satisfaction is also an important part of happiness. So make sure that when you’re planning your tasks and activities you include things that might not be fun, but from which you’ll gain a sense of achievement.

5. Identify where your strengths lie and utilize your strengths.

Know where your faults and weaknesses are to avoid problems. Know where your strengths lie to be really happy and to succeed in life.

6. Be grateful and appreciate what you have.

We all have many choices in life one of which is whether to focus on all the things we don’t have (of which there might be many), or to focus on all the things we do have. There’s no doubt, that gratitude and appreciation will significantly increase your chances of experiencing happiness.

7. Learn to like and ideally to love yourself.

We must love before we can be loved. To love others and to be loved by others is a key component of happiness.

8. Invest time and energy in to your key relationships.

Happy people spend more time working on and in their relationships. Happy people tend to be more supportive of other people in their life. Happy people are more generous and altruistic.

9. Weed out unhelpful thoughts and plant happier, optimistic thoughts.

Learn first to identify your thoughts and then begin to challenge those that are negative and unhelpful and then develop more positive, optimistic ones. This is essentially a skill, and like any other skill becomes easier and more effective with practice.

10. Live a healthy life.

Eat well and keep active. Exercise regularly. Although not impossible, it’s difficult to be happy if you’re constantly sick and not very healthy.

Last but not least: Make happiness an integral part of your life.

Develop happiness routines and make them a part of your everyday living. Remind yourself however you can to do what you need to do and reward yourself as often as possible for doing what you’ve done.


To get from your start , which we have defined as the taking of control – to your destination , which is the achievement of a desire – you need only two things:

1. A clear idea of what you want. In this process , you must send messages to your subconscious mind. Be advised: the subconscious mind does not respond to fuzzy pictures. The subconscious respond to sharp , clear , specific ideas. Just saying to your self , “I want a lot of money,” isn’t good enough. You must say exactly how much. Nor is it enough to say , “I want to move to a warm climate.” The world has many warm climates. Say exactly where you want to move. It’s helpful to write down what you want in words which are as specific as you can make them. If you’re not sure what you want , state very clearly your intention to discover exactly what you desire in a specific area of your life , by a certain point in time.

2. Commitment.
This like willingness , is an attitude. It’s a feeling of confidence that , whatever happens , you’ll continue to pursue what you want. It’s not a self – imposed promise or an obligation. Rather , it’s a firm belief that you want is so desirable and so important , in the end , it’ll be worth doing whatever you must do to get it.

Sunday, August 9, 2009



To get what you want , you must recognize something which at first may be difficult , even painful to look at. You must recognize that you alone are the source of all the condition and situations in your life. You must recognize that whatever your world looks like right now , you alone have caused it to look that way. The state of your health , your finances , your personal relationships, your professional life – all of it is yours and no one else’s.

This is difficult for many people to swallow. “I can’t help it if I was born poor,” they claim. That might be , but at birth , were you condemned to stay poor ?

“ A black person has all the cards stacked against him,” they say. That might be , but how many black Ph.D’s are there? How many black mayors and millionaires ?

Look carefully at any situation in your life , be honest about it , and I guarantee you will eventually see that , either consciously or unconsciously , you set it up to be that way. Whether you’re aware of it or not , you’ve allowed the situation to remain , even though you’re had the ability to change it all along.

When you recognize , once and for all , that you are the source of everything which happens in your life , you unleash a powerful force. Once you see that everything which exists for you is your creation and no one else’s , then you will exist in the future is your creation also.

This recognition of yourself as the source puts you , consciously into the driver’s seat – a place you’ve been all along , though perhaps unconsciously.

As long as look , at the situation and say , “I didn’t create this,” you’re letting the situation remain beyond your control. You’re saying there’s nothing you can do about it, that it must remain so forever. But as soon as you say , “I created this,” you make it own. You accept responsibility for it. When your accept responsibility for it , you’re then ready to assume responsibility fir changing it . You thus take control of your life .

Once again , the steps are :
- accept responsibility for creating thing the way they are
- assume responsibility for changing them ,
- take control

Note that none of the above require any physical action on your part. They are shifts in your attitude , your mental set. Together they constitute the vital , crucial beginning of an entirely new approach to life. An approach in which you are the cause of what happens.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Part Four


This leads right back to the original principle , which says: to get what you want , you must be willing to do whatever it takes to get it. The essence of the principle – the key to it – is the idea of willingness. By way of the definition , willingness is a frame of mind which is open to every possible demand , without judgment , reservation or refusal.

As with happiness , you don’t have to do anything to achieve willingness. It’s a frame of mind . You just have to be willing. There’s no process involved in getting it. You get it by having it.

Because willingness is an open frame of mind , it has great power , almost magical power. In Western cultures , we’re skeptical of the thing which aren’t concrete , observable and measurable. We scoff at words like “magical” ,”mystical” or “metaphysical” .If you’re the skeptical type , I ask that you hold off rejecting such ideas until you finish reading this article. It’s a small price to pay for what will ultimately be a great reward.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Part TWO


I was sitting in the hallway of the courthouse in a Midwestern city and overheard the conversation of two attorneys who had just settled a large lawsuit.

“I’m glad we got this settled so quickly,” one of them said.”I’m closing my practice and this case was the last major for me to finish”.

“Closing your practice?” the other asked.” Why?’
“Because I’m moving to Florida,” was the reply.
“How I envy you,” the second attorney said. I’ve wanted to move to Florida for years.”
“Then why you don’t move too?”
“I can’t move now,” the other lamented.” My practice is established, my family is rooted here, I have a home , a mortgage and a hundred other strings tying me to this city.”

The first lawyer was silent a moment, then said,” That’s interesting. I have all of those thing too. But I’m moving anyway.”
“Then you’re throwing away everything,” the other said, suddenly enraged, “and you’re fool!” He turn on his heel and strode away , his footsteps making angry echoes down the marble hall. As the other shrugged and walked away , I thought, “ What went on here? These men seem to be in almost identical situations. They’re in the same profession , are of similar ages, have similar responsibilities and the same desire. Yet one is excitedly on his way to accomplishing his desire while the other , in bitterness , is not. What’s the difference between the two?”

I figured that both of them surely must know what is involved in such a move. Giving up an established business , uprooting a family , facing the possibility of higher living costs and fewer job opportunities in the new location – plus other, unforeseeable difficulties. Yet while both must have known what was involved , only one was actually making the move. I wondered why.

Another time , I was attending a lecture by a man who had made millions of dollars speculating in commodities. In the middle of the talk , a spectator stood up and asked, “ Didn’t you realize that all this speculation was risky , that you could have lost every penny you had – and then some?”
“Why yes, I did , “ the millionaire replied.
“ Then why did you continue to speculate?”
“ I just know was willing to take the risk .”
“Well I’m not”, the spectator snapped.
The rich man smiled and said, “That might be why
I’m giving this and you’re paying for it.”

These two examples illustrate a principle; a truth so simple and obvious , most people go through their entire lives without seeing it. I didn’t see it for many years , despite constant reading and study on the subject of success. The principle is.

In order to accomplish something , you must be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish it.

The Florida – bound lawyer was willing to close up shop , move his family and absorb the cost of starting over. The speculator was willing to put up his entire net worth and risk more than he had. What these two men had in common was necessary to accomplish their goals. Ironically , they may not have been aware of their willingness at the time. But , as you’ll find , the principle works whether you’re aware of it or not. It’s automatic.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

My Gift

Read it......


The Secret Link What do you want? A better job? A happy marriage? An education? A new home? Good health? Fame? Fortune ? Success?
What ever it is , you can have it. Whether it’s a big item or a small one, whether it near at hand or seems impossibly far away , you can have it.
To get what you want , all you need is to know the simple, but powerful secret found in this article. To get what you want , you don’t have to study anything in particular. Knowing the secret is enough.
For 20 years, I was an avid reader of “how to” books, especially the kind that describe how became rich and successful. Yet, I found that after 20 years of reading millions of words, after 20 years of trying what those books suggested, I was not measurably closer to being rich or successful than I was when picked up my first “how to” book.
Why? Could it be that was thick-headed, lazy or unlucky? Looking back, I saw that I had always done well in school, worked hard and not suffered any great misfortunes. Still , the wealth and success promised in the “how to” books eluded me.
I soon learned I was not alone in my failure. At the library, I found listing 0f 196 different books having to do with becoming wealthy and 497 separate titles on the subject of success. There were dozens more on salesmanship , motivation and positive thinking. The librarian told me that without contacting each publisher individually , it would be impossible to determine how many copies of these books had been sold. A conservative estimate would be in the ten of million!
Later , I read a magazine article which said that , according to the Census Bureau , in 1980 , there were about 400 ,000 millionaires in United States. Of the number , over half were farmers , whose main assets were their farm. Fewer than , 50 ,000 millionaires were under the age of 35.Of these , only a few thousand had “ made” the money themselves. The other had inherited it.
At the moment , a realization hit me with the force of an electric shock! While millionaire, only a small percentage of them had actually done it. Of those , only a tiny group had done it relatively quickly – before the age of 35.The great majority , I reasoned , must be like me :still wanting , still looking , still trying , but not getting the wealth the books promised. The great majority of people were “failures” too.
Why did so many of us fail? What secret link was missing – what magical connection between the learning of what to do and actual accomplishment of it? And what about the people who had never formally “learned” what to do? What about the people who had never read a “how to” book – yet achieved great wealth anyway? What secret did those people know that didn”t ?
At last , I found out. It’s the simple principle which you will learn in this article. Without this principle , you can accomplish little. What it , you can accomplish anything you want. Anything…!
Everyone , yourself included , uses this principle, often without being aware of it. People who are aware of it achieve large measures of wealth , success and happiness. The good news is that no one has a patent on this principle. No one can wear it out or use it up. And no matter how old you are or what your condition in life , it’s not too late to begin using it.
The principle is as old as mankind , yet at this moment , for you , it may be brand new. And here it is. ( Wait until the further article next week ).

Hard To Learn

Like the others , i have dream to have my own blog,but unfortunelately i totally don't have any basic knowledge about the blog making process .By the way, just because of the spirit i wailling to learn, even though it quit hard and turf to me in this stage, but i really and ready coz quit sure and believe , once day i also expert like the others .And may i correct? Therefore , for i'm so proud to achieve until this level ,because no body guide me, teach or show to me how the process , what next and extra , extra...........! For those are really kind and humble person out side there , and wailling to help me , i;m really approaciate your helping.As are reward , next time i also will be share with you something that i know and i belive and gurantee your ever - ever know it.Hopefully we can deal co-operate as good and smart partnership.Thank you.

Welcome to My Blog

This is my blog world.This blog is fully in English language.Therefore , every body around the world can share wuth me your opinion.In case of my opinion is not same like your , yan can immediately comments or critic at my blog.I am basicly, are really open mainded to accept what ever your comment regarding my articles.This is information world without border , therefore dont shy and lazy to share your opinion with me , latter on , alright.Hope fully we both can get benefits fron it.See you later.Bye