
Monday, July 20, 2009


Part TWO


I was sitting in the hallway of the courthouse in a Midwestern city and overheard the conversation of two attorneys who had just settled a large lawsuit.

“I’m glad we got this settled so quickly,” one of them said.”I’m closing my practice and this case was the last major for me to finish”.

“Closing your practice?” the other asked.” Why?’
“Because I’m moving to Florida,” was the reply.
“How I envy you,” the second attorney said. I’ve wanted to move to Florida for years.”
“Then why you don’t move too?”
“I can’t move now,” the other lamented.” My practice is established, my family is rooted here, I have a home , a mortgage and a hundred other strings tying me to this city.”

The first lawyer was silent a moment, then said,” That’s interesting. I have all of those thing too. But I’m moving anyway.”
“Then you’re throwing away everything,” the other said, suddenly enraged, “and you’re fool!” He turn on his heel and strode away , his footsteps making angry echoes down the marble hall. As the other shrugged and walked away , I thought, “ What went on here? These men seem to be in almost identical situations. They’re in the same profession , are of similar ages, have similar responsibilities and the same desire. Yet one is excitedly on his way to accomplishing his desire while the other , in bitterness , is not. What’s the difference between the two?”

I figured that both of them surely must know what is involved in such a move. Giving up an established business , uprooting a family , facing the possibility of higher living costs and fewer job opportunities in the new location – plus other, unforeseeable difficulties. Yet while both must have known what was involved , only one was actually making the move. I wondered why.

Another time , I was attending a lecture by a man who had made millions of dollars speculating in commodities. In the middle of the talk , a spectator stood up and asked, “ Didn’t you realize that all this speculation was risky , that you could have lost every penny you had – and then some?”
“Why yes, I did , “ the millionaire replied.
“ Then why did you continue to speculate?”
“ I just know was willing to take the risk .”
“Well I’m not”, the spectator snapped.
The rich man smiled and said, “That might be why
I’m giving this and you’re paying for it.”

These two examples illustrate a principle; a truth so simple and obvious , most people go through their entire lives without seeing it. I didn’t see it for many years , despite constant reading and study on the subject of success. The principle is.

In order to accomplish something , you must be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish it.

The Florida – bound lawyer was willing to close up shop , move his family and absorb the cost of starting over. The speculator was willing to put up his entire net worth and risk more than he had. What these two men had in common was necessary to accomplish their goals. Ironically , they may not have been aware of their willingness at the time. But , as you’ll find , the principle works whether you’re aware of it or not. It’s automatic.

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