
Sunday, July 19, 2009


The Secret Link What do you want? A better job? A happy marriage? An education? A new home? Good health? Fame? Fortune ? Success?
What ever it is , you can have it. Whether it’s a big item or a small one, whether it near at hand or seems impossibly far away , you can have it.
To get what you want , all you need is to know the simple, but powerful secret found in this article. To get what you want , you don’t have to study anything in particular. Knowing the secret is enough.
For 20 years, I was an avid reader of “how to” books, especially the kind that describe how became rich and successful. Yet, I found that after 20 years of reading millions of words, after 20 years of trying what those books suggested, I was not measurably closer to being rich or successful than I was when picked up my first “how to” book.
Why? Could it be that was thick-headed, lazy or unlucky? Looking back, I saw that I had always done well in school, worked hard and not suffered any great misfortunes. Still , the wealth and success promised in the “how to” books eluded me.
I soon learned I was not alone in my failure. At the library, I found listing 0f 196 different books having to do with becoming wealthy and 497 separate titles on the subject of success. There were dozens more on salesmanship , motivation and positive thinking. The librarian told me that without contacting each publisher individually , it would be impossible to determine how many copies of these books had been sold. A conservative estimate would be in the ten of million!
Later , I read a magazine article which said that , according to the Census Bureau , in 1980 , there were about 400 ,000 millionaires in United States. Of the number , over half were farmers , whose main assets were their farm. Fewer than , 50 ,000 millionaires were under the age of 35.Of these , only a few thousand had “ made” the money themselves. The other had inherited it.
At the moment , a realization hit me with the force of an electric shock! While millionaire, only a small percentage of them had actually done it. Of those , only a tiny group had done it relatively quickly – before the age of 35.The great majority , I reasoned , must be like me :still wanting , still looking , still trying , but not getting the wealth the books promised. The great majority of people were “failures” too.
Why did so many of us fail? What secret link was missing – what magical connection between the learning of what to do and actual accomplishment of it? And what about the people who had never formally “learned” what to do? What about the people who had never read a “how to” book – yet achieved great wealth anyway? What secret did those people know that didn”t ?
At last , I found out. It’s the simple principle which you will learn in this article. Without this principle , you can accomplish little. What it , you can accomplish anything you want. Anything…!
Everyone , yourself included , uses this principle, often without being aware of it. People who are aware of it achieve large measures of wealth , success and happiness. The good news is that no one has a patent on this principle. No one can wear it out or use it up. And no matter how old you are or what your condition in life , it’s not too late to begin using it.
The principle is as old as mankind , yet at this moment , for you , it may be brand new. And here it is. ( Wait until the further article next week ).

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